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Leak Testing Basics

TQC Leak Test Systems
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Carlton Road, Nottingham,
Notts. NG3 2NJ,

Tel: +44 (0) 115 9503561
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Nolek S9 Leak Test Instrument

The S9 leak test unit is a test machine which has taken air leak testing technology to the limit by combining the most sensitive pressure differential leak test valving with the most advanced front-end interface available. The S9 has an architecture that enables up to five functional valve modules to be connected to a single front-end interface, allowing simultaneous testing of five volumes. Each module has an electronic pressure regulator for setting of the test pressure automatically from the instrument.


Nolek S9 Leak Test Units - Tower & Desktop Formats Available

performance, differential pressure testing(D), flow testing(F)

Test area: +/-500 Pascal (D), 0-1000 mm3/s standard(F)

Resolution: 1 Pascal(D), 1 mm3/s(F)

Programmable time: 0.1-999,9 seconds

Pressure areas: -1 bar to + 16 bar (D), 0-16 bar (F).

Programs: 100 pcs

Note: Inaccuracy of testing and repetition depends on what type of application is used.


QuickStop Shortened measuring time with the use of newly developed techniques
ZeroOffset Compensate when external disturbances occur
Multiple valve modules Up to 5 functional valve modules, allowing simultaneous testing  of  volumes.
Easy programming Clear and easy to read text menus.
Input is via mounted keypad, external keyboard or from serial RS232 interface
Simple calibration Shielded but easily accessible control leak.
Automatic deactivation after completed testing.
Automatic testing.
Continuous leakage presentation. Gives you the current leakage value when testing
Maximum flexibility: Upgradeable. Purchase a basic instrument and add, at any time, a vacuum pressure differential module, flow module etc
Self-adjusting. The instrument creates a basic setting
Modem connection with presentations in real time. Ideal for logging in from other locations for assistance and evaluation.
PC application. Gives the opportunity to log data from the tests as well as navigating the instrument.
Multi Function Testing Flow & differential pressure in the same instrument , gives you total flexibility to comply with your needs.
Flow: Testing of the air supply with continuous updates.E.g volume variants with same leak specification.
Differential pressure: Testing of pressure differences between two volumes during a specific time. E.g short cycles and/or vacuum are used.
Selectable views Graphical, numerical or numerical with large characters for viewing at a distance
Open text fields Create your own names for the programs you use
Tower or desk format Simplifies placement.
Extra language free Keyboard can be connected to add two more languages.
Automatic voltage adaptation Simplifies moving the equipment to other countries.
Possibility to control fixture Eight I/O enables you to control external sequences..

For a printer friendly sheet on the S9 leak test instrument please click here, pdf, 258Kb

For more detailed information on Leak Detection & Measurement please visit our page on The Fundamentals of Leak Detection & Measurement or our page on Component Leak Testing.

If you have a current project that you are already looking at, or you are considering improvements to your production in the near future, call us and we will be happy to offer our professional advice & visit you at your site.







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